Blockland Wiki


This tutorial will cover the basic notion of parametric equations, and how they apply to Blockland.

Mathematical Functions and graphs[]

In algebra, you may be familiar with how a function is described with y on one side of the equals sign, and x on the other. For example:

y = x
y = x^2
y = x + 3

and so on.

There are other ways of describing functions, that do the exact same thing. For example, with the equation


we can also describe both y and x in terms of a third variable:


This does the exact same thing as y=x^2

Similarly, this works for more complex equations such as 2-D circles, spheres, etc:

The more familiar "x^2+y^2=r" equation for a circle now becomes:


How does this help me?[]

In Blockland, while you are scripting, you need to define the x, y, and z coordinates for the bricks you are graphing. With parametric equations, you are given a formula for each x, y, and z coordinate. All you have to do now is just input these formulae in a way that Blockland understands, and you can make some very fancy things.

Notice that in the example below, x and z are defined using the i variable.





for( %i = 0 ; %i < 10000 ; %i++ )

%posx = mSin(%i)* ( mPow(%e,mCos(%i)) - 2*mCos(4*%i) - mPow((mSin(%i/12)),5) );
%posz = mCos(%i)* ( mPow(%e,mCos(%i)) - 2*mCos(4*%i) - mPow((mSin(%i/12)),5) );

%temp = new fxDTSBrick()
    datablock = "brick1x1Data";
    position = 25*%posx SPC 1 SPC 25*%posz;
    rotation = "0 0 0 0";
    colorID = "16";
    scale = "1 1 1";
    angleID = "0";
    colorfxID = "0";
    shapefxID = "0";
    isPlanted = 1;


Deltoid Curve[]


Deltoid Curve

for( %i = 0 ; %i < 1000 ; %i++ )


%posx = 2*%a*mCos(%i)+%a*mCos(2*%i);
%posz = 2*%a*mSin(%i)-%a*mSin(2*%i);
%posy = 1;

%temp = new fxDTSBrick()
    datablock = "brick1x1Data";
    position = 50*%posx SPC %posy SPC 50*%posz;
    rotation = "0 0 0 0";
    colorID = "16";
    scale = "1 1 1";
    angleID = "0";
    colorfxID = "0";
    shapefxID = "0";
    isPlanted = 1;





There is an entire group of curves that can be made as "Epicycloids". The image shown below uses the value of k=3.8. Here, as well, the parametric equations can be plugged directly into Blockland:

for( %i = 0 ; %i < 10000 ; %i++ )


%posx = (%k+1)*mCos(%i)-mCos((%k+1)*%i);
%posz = (%k+1)*mSin(%i)-mSin((%k+1)*%i);

%temp = new fxDTSBrick()
    datablock = "brick1x1Data";
    position = 25*%posx SPC 1 SPC 25*%posz;
    rotation = "0 0 0 0";
    colorID = "16";
    scale = "1 1 1";
    angleID = "0";
    colorfxID = "0";
    shapefxID = "0";
    isPlanted = 1;





Similarly, there is a class of curves known as Hypocycloids.

The above image is with the value of k=3.8. Wikipedia has several values and images on display with which to experiment.

for( %i = 0 ; %i < 10000 ; %i++ )


%posx = (%k-1)*mCos(%i)+mCos((%k-1)*%i);
%posz = (%k-1)*mSin(%i)-mSin((%k-1)*%i);

%temp = new fxDTSBrick()
    datablock = "brick1x1Data";
    position = 25*%posx SPC 1 SPC 25*%posz;
    rotation = "0 0 0 0";
    colorID = "16";
    scale = "1 1 1";
    angleID = "0";
    colorfxID = "0";
    shapefxID = "0";
    isPlanted = 1;



Hypotrochoids are another example of curves that can be scripted with parametric equations. Here, the x and y formula are just as from wikipedia... and all you need to set are the values for R, r, and d (in this example the values have been provided by wikipedia!)




Set these values to %R, %ra, and %d

for( %i = 0 ; %i < 5000 ; %i++ )


%posx = (%R-%ra)*mCos(%i)+%d*mCos(((%R-%ra)/%ra)*%i);
%posz = (%R-%ra)*mSin(%i)-%d*mSin(((%R-%ra)/%ra)*%i);

%temp = new fxDTSBrick()
    datablock = "brick1x1Data";
    position = 10*%posx SPC 1 SPC 10*%posz;
    rotation = "0 0 0 0";
    colorID = "16";
    scale = "1 1 1";
    angleID = "0";
    colorfxID = "0";
    shapefxID = "0";
    isPlanted = 1;


Limaçon trisectrix[]


Limaçon trisectrix

The Limaçon trisectrix is a special instance of the trisectrix of Pascal (also called the limaçon of Pascal). Here, again, once you get the basic formula down, you can have a wide variety of curves with different values inserted into a and b.

for( %i = 0 ; %i < 5000 ; %i++ )


%posx = (%a/2)+%b*mCos(%i)+(%a/2)*mCos(2*%i);
%posz = %b*mSin(%i)+(%a/2)*mSin(2*%i);

%temp = new fxDTSBrick()
    datablock = "brick1x1Data";
    position = 10*%posx SPC 1 SPC 10*%posz;
    rotation = "0 0 0 0";
    colorID = "16";
    scale = "1 1 1";
    angleID = "0";
    colorfxID = "0";
    shapefxID = "0";
    isPlanted = 1;



"A Lissajous curve is the graph of the system of parametric equations

x=A*sin(at+δ), y=B*sin(bt) which describes complex harmonic motion."



for( %i = 0 ; %i < 5000 ; %i++ )


%posx = %AA*mSin(%a*%i+%phi);
%posz = %BB*mSin(%b*%i);

%temp = new fxDTSBrick()
    datablock = "brick1x1Data";
    position = 10*%posx SPC 1 SPC 10*%posz;
    rotation = "0 0 0 0";
    colorID = "16";
    scale = "1 1 1";
    angleID = "0";
    colorfxID = "0";
    shapefxID = "0";
    isPlanted = 1;


3D Curves[]

Viviani's Curve[]


Viviani's curve

%pi = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795;

for( %t = 0 ; %t < (4*%pi) ; %t+=0.1 )


%posx = %a*(1+mCos(%t));
%posy = 2*mSin(%t/2);
%posz = mSin(%t);

%temp = new fxDTSBrick()
    datablock = "brick1x1Data";
    position = 10*%posx SPC 10*%posy SPC 10*%posz;
    rotation = "0 0 0 0";
    colorID = "16";
    scale = "1 1 1";
    angleID = "0";
    colorfxID = "0";
    shapefxID = "0";
    isPlanted = 1;





for( %i = 0 ; %i < 300 ; %i+=0.1 )

%posx = %i*mCos(%i);
%posy = %i;
%posz = %i*mSin(%i);

%temp = new fxDTSBrick()
    datablock = "brick1x1Data";
    position = %posx SPC %posy SPC %posz;
    rotation = "0 0 0 0";
    colorID = "16";
    scale = "1 1 1";
    angleID = "0";
    colorfxID = "0";
    shapefxID = "0";
    isPlanted = 1;


Clélies Curves[]

Clelies curve

Clélies Curve



%pi = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795;

for( %t = 0 ; %t < (8*%pi) ; %t+=0.05 )

%a=4; //radius

%posx = %a*mSin(%m*%t)*mCos(%t);
%posy = %a*mSin(%m*%t)*mSin(%t);
%posz = %a*mCos(%m*%t);

%temp = new fxDTSBrick()
    datablock = "brick1x1Data";
    position = 10*%posx SPC 10*%posy SPC 10*%posz;
    rotation = "0 0 0 0";
    colorID = "16";
    scale = "1 1 1";
    angleID = "0";
    colorfxID = "0";
    shapefxID = "0";
    isPlanted = 1;


3D Curve[]


3D curve

for( %t = 1 ; %t < 20 ; %t+=0.01 )

%posx = 2*mSin(3*%t)*mCos(%t);
%posy = 2*mSin(3*%t)*mSin(%t);
%posz = mSin(3*%t);

%temp = new fxDTSBrick()
    datablock = "brick1x1Data";
    position = 10*%posx SPC 10*%posy SPC 10*%posz;
    rotation = "0 0 0 0";
    colorID = "16";
    scale = "1 1 1";
    angleID = "0";
    colorfxID = "0";
    shapefxID = "0";
    isPlanted = 1;


Another 3D curve[]


3D curve

for( %t = 1 ; %t < 20 ; %t+=0.01 )

%posx = 3*mCos(%t)+mCos(10*%t)*mCos(%t);
%posy = mSin(10*%t);
%posz = 3*mSin(%t)+mCos(10*%t)*mSin(%t);

%temp = new fxDTSBrick()
    datablock = "brick1x1Data";
    position = 10*%posx SPC 10*%posy SPC 10*%posz;
    rotation = "0 0 0 0";
    colorID = "16";
    scale = "1 1 1";
    angleID = "0";
    colorfxID = "0";
    shapefxID = "0";
    isPlanted = 1;


Another 3D curve[]


Another 3D curve

for( %t = 1 ; %t < 25 ; %t+=0.01 )

%posx = 5*mCos(%t)-mCos(5*%t);
%posy = %t;
%posz = 5*mSin(%t)-mSin(5*%t);

%temp = new fxDTSBrick()
    datablock = "brick1x1Data";
    position = 10*%posx SPC 10*%posy SPC 10*%posz;
    rotation = "0 0 0 0";
    colorID = "16";
    scale = "1 1 1";
    angleID = "0";
    colorfxID = "0";
    shapefxID = "0";
    isPlanted = 1;



You can alter the number of loops by altering the a value.



for( %t = 1 ; %t < 25 ; %t+=0.01 )


%posx = mCos(%t) * mCos( (1/mTan(%a*%t)) );
%posy = mSin(%t) * mCos( (1/mTan(%a*%t)) );
%posz = -mSin(1/mTan(%a*%t));

%temp = new fxDTSBrick()
    datablock = "brick1x1Data";
    position = 50*%posx SPC 50*%posy SPC 50*%posz;
    rotation = "0 0 0 0";
    colorID = "16";
    scale = "1 1 1";
    angleID = "0";
    colorfxID = "0";
    shapefxID = "0";
    isPlanted = 1;


See Also[]

MathWorld, Butterfly curves

MathWorld, Parametric Equations

Wikipedia, Parametric Equations

Wikipedia, Epicycloids


Lissajous curve

Viviani's curve

Clélies curve

Parametric Curves in 3D


Roblox wiki - Parametric Equations

Polar Equations
